Our Mission Statement:
The Nebraska Society of Professional Engineers, recognizing that service to humanity, to our nation and to our state is the fundamental purpose of professional engineering, dedicates itself to the promotion and the protection of the profession of engineering as a social and economic influence vital to the welfare of the community and of all mankind.
The objectives of the Nebraska Society of Professional Engineers are:
- The advancement of the public welfare.
- The promotion of high standards of engineering education.
- The uniting of all qualified engineers in the State of Nebraska in one organization.
- The improvement of public relations and the cultivation of public appreciation of the work of engineer.
- The development of the civic consciousness of the members of the engineering profession.
- The consideration of and attention to legislation affecting the engineering profession.
- The advancement of the professional, social and economic interests of the professional engineer.
- The advancement and the protection of the non-registered members of the engineering profession.
- The establishment and the maintenance of high ethical engineering standards and practices. In all professional and business -relations the members of NSPE shall be governed by the Code of Ethics for Engineers.